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The XVIII International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies "New time" was held on September 22-24, 2022, in Sevastopol, Russian Federation

The XVIII International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies "New time" was held on September 22-24, 2022, in Sevastopol, Russian Federation.

Greetings to the participants, guests and organizers of the XVIII International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies "New Time" were sent: Chairman of the Central Council of VOIR Vladimir Mikhailovich Kononov; First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Vasily Sergeyevich Osmakov; President of the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) of the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) Grigory Petrovich Ivliev; Head of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property of Rospatent Yuri Sergeevich Zubov.

The Moscow City organization VOIR, with the assistance of the Committee for Inventive, Rationalization and Patent Licensing Activities of the Association "League for Assistance to Defense Enterprises" and the International Innovation Club "Archimedes", formed a delegation of inventors and manufacturers of innovative products. 36 innovative projects and inventions were demonstrated at the delegation's stand.

On September 23, 2022, as part of the business program organized by the MGO VOIR, a round table was held at the Federal State State Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "The Black Sea Higher Naval Order of the Red Star School named after P.S. Nakhimov" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the topic: "Topical issues of interaction of defense industry enterprises, organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, universities and research institutes in the creation of new samples of civilian products", during which the seminar participants made presentations, shared their opinions and actively participated in the discussion of pressing issues of interaction between enterprises and government agencies.

On September 24, 2022, a solemn ceremony of awarding the participants of the Salon "New Time" took place. Inventors of the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots named after Hero of the Soviet Union A. K. Serov, FSBI "16 TSNIII" of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, Tver State Medical University, the Black Sea Higher Naval Order of the Red Star of the School named after P.S.Nakhimov, Dagestan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow Polytechnic University, a branch of the Military Academy Strategic Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great (Serpukhov), Concern "Constellation"; Belgorod State National Research University, Joint Stock Company "Production Association.

Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant (JSC "PO "UOMZ"); JSC "Research and Design Institute of Informatization, Automation and Communication in Railway Transport", Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Avtoguru companies won gold and silver Salon awards, as well as special prizes!

The Grand Prix of the “New Time” Salon was awarded to the project "METHOD OF APPLYING A HEAT-PROTECTIVE ELECTRICALLY CONDUCTIVE COATING ON CARBON FIBERS AND FABRICS" of the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots named after Hero of the Soviet Union A. K. Serov

Pankov Vladimir Petrovich, Snytkin Ivan Illarionovich, representatives of the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Serov were awarded the medal "named after the 1st Cosmonaut of the Earth Yu.A. Gagarin" of the Russian Federation of Cosmonautics for services to cosmonautics.

The International Innovation Club "Archimedes" was awarded a special prize for promoting the introduction of innovative activities aimed at the development of science, modernization of the economy and industry, active organizational activity in the preparation and holding of the XVII International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies "New Time".

We thank the organizers of the Salon for the warm welcome and assistance.

We congratulate our inventors with high awards and wish them further creative success. See you at new exhibitions!