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An extended meeting of the Committee was held on the topic: "The role of inventive and patent-licensing activities in establishing the production of new competitive products and technologies"

During the 26th Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies "Archimedes" on March 29, 2023, the Committee on Inventive, Rationalization and Patent Licensing Activities of the Association "League for Assistance to Defense Enterprises" organized and held an extended meeting of the Committee on the topic: "The role of inventive and patent-licensing activities in establishing the production of new competitive products and technologies".

The meeting was attended by specialists and inventors of enterprises and organizations of the military-industrial complex of more than 35 regions of the Russian Federation.

The audience was greeted by: Natalia V. Popova, Executive Director of the Association "League for Assistance to Defense Enterprises" and Dmitry Ivanovich Zezyulin, Chairman of the Committee on Inventive, Rationalization and Patent Licensing Activities of the Association "League for Assistance to Defense Enterprises".

Presentations at the meeting were made by:

1. Obrazhey Vadim Ivanovich, Head of the Intellectual Property Department of the A. Lyulka Design Bureau of the branch of PJSC UEC-UMPO, Head of the Corporate Competence Center for Working with the RID of JSC UEC;
2. Denis Stanislavovich Piotukh, Head of the Intellectual Property Department of PJSC UEC-Saturn;
3. Mukhitov Eduard Inesovich, Head of the Bureau of Invention and Rationalization of the Baltic Fleet Management of the Russian Navy;
4. Oleg A. Vashchenko, Director of the Department of Advanced Research and Intellectual Property of JSC "Shvabe";
5. Afanasyev Sergey Vasilyevich, Head of the OSiS of PJSC "TOAZ", Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

During the lively discussion, the participants of the meeting developed approaches to the use of inventive and patent-licensing activities in the production of new competitive technologies at the enterprises of the defense industry of the Russian Federation. Recommendations on their implementation will be relevant for use in their work at all organizations and enterprises of the defense industry of the country.