We give you a fulcrum

An expanded meeting of the inventive asset of the Defense Industry of the Russian Federation was held at the Military Academy of the Peter the Great Strategic Missile Forces

On the eve of the Day of the Inventor and Innovator on June 27, 2024, an Expanded meeting of the Committee on Inventive, Rationalization and Patent Licensing Activities of the Association "League for Assistance to Defense Enterprises" was held on the territory of the Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great (VA RVSN) with the support of the MGO VOIR, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and Rospatent, to which the following were invited members of the MGS VOIR, representatives of organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and defense industry enterprises. The topic of the meeting: "Scientific and technical creativity of youth is the main factor in training qualified personnel for enterprises of the defense Industry of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation."

The participants of the meeting were greeted: Nogin Roman Olegovich, Deputy Head of the Academy of the VA RVSN for educational and scientific work; Zakharov Maxim Alexandrovich, Head of the UIS, military-technical cooperation and expertise of supplies of weapons and military equipment of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Kononov Vladimir Mikhailovich, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Military Academy of Sciences, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the 8th convocation, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education and Dmitry Ivanovich Zezyulin, Chairman of the Committee on Inventive, Rationalization and Patent Licensing Activities of the Association "League for Assistance to Defense Enterprises", Chairman of the IGO Military Academy of Sciences.

The meeting summed up the results of the participation of defense industry enterprises and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the XXVII Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies "Archimedes" and showed a demonstration film about the event.

Dmitry Ivanovich Zezyulin awarded the honorary diploma of the MGO VOIR "For active and fruitful work in Moscow" to the A. Lyulka Design Bureau, the Military Academy of the Peter the Great Strategic Missile Forces, Irina Genrikhovna Strungis. Obrazhey Vadim Ivanovich and Ovsiy Andrey Alekseevich were awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Moscow State Educational Institution VOIR "For their contribution to the development of invention and innovation". The medal "For a high contribution to the development of invention" was awarded to Nogin Roman Olegovich and Zakharov Maxim Alexandrovich.
Reports on the topic were announced at the meeting on the agenda:

1. "Scientific and technical creativity of youth is the main factor in training qualified personnel for enterprises of the defense Industry of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation."
The speaker is Obrazhey Vadim Ivanovich, Head of the Intellectual Property Department of the A. Lyulka Design Bureau, a branch of PJSC UEC–UMPO, Head of the Corporate competence Center for working with RID of JSC UEC.

2. "Qualified personnel to achieve technological sovereignty of Russia"
The speaker is Alexander V. Sukonkin, Chief Researcher at the Federal Institute of Industrial Property.

3. "Issues of stimulating the inventive activity of young specialists of defense industry enterprises"
The speaker is Denis Stanislavovich Piotukh, Head of the Intellectual Property Department at PJSC UEC-Saturn.

4. "Scientific and technical creativity of youth. The sooner the better"
The speaker is Irina Genrikhovna Strungis, Teacher-organizer of GBOU school No. 1569 Constellation.

5. "Scientific and technical creativity of youth is the main factor in training qualified personnel for enterprises of the defense Industry of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation"
The speaker is Andrey L. Zhuravlev, Head of the Center for International Cooperation of the Federal Institute of Industrial Property.

6. "The homeland must be defended. Training of scientific and engineering personnel. Welding in the industry of the Russian Federation"
Speaker – Sergey Petrov, Head of the Head Center for Welding Technologies in Transport.

7. "Create! Go ahead! Life experience and opinion of a veteran of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation"
Speaker – Oleg Alexandrovich Vashchenko, Director of the Department of Analysis and Management of Intangible Assets of JSC Shvabe.

8. "The experience of NTC Trubmetprom LLC with young personnel in creating innovative developments"
The speaker is Sirotkin Sergey Nikolaevich, General Director of NTC Trubmetprom LLC.

An informal part of the meeting was a visit to the museum of the VA RVSN. The museum contains unique exhibits and documents on the history of the development of artillery, nuclear missile weapons and rocket and space technology.

We are confident that the experience of the participants of the meeting and their proposals will serve to strengthen the defense capability of the Russian Federation.
On behalf of the Directorate of the IGO VOIR and the Committee for Inventive, Rationalization and Patent Licensing Activities of the Association "League for Assistance to Defense Enterprises", I congratulate everyone on the upcoming professional holiday - the Day of the Inventor and Innovator of Russia! I wish you excellent health, spiritual uplift and further creative success.

Chairman of the MGO VOIR,
Head of the Committee on Inventive, Rationalization and Patent Licensing Activities of the Association "League for Assistance to Defense Enterprises"
Dmitry Ivanovich Zezyulin