The International Innovation Club "Archimedes" took part in the 2nd meeting of the Chinese-Russian Joint Committee on Scientific, Technical and Humanitarian Exchange, which was held under the auspices of the Chinese Scientific and Technical Association of the International Union of Scientific and Engineering Public Associations.
In the section "Inventions and Innovations", the executive secretary of the club, Alice Etova, made a presentation at the Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies "Archimedes".
We are confident in the development of our cooperation. We are waiting for Chinese inventors at the 26th Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies "Archimedes". We are ready to participate and participate in exhibitions of inventions in Macau, Chongqing, Hong Kong.
Our friendship will help inventors of both countries to work more fruitfully to promote their inventions in the interests of peace and progress.