We give you a fulcrum

A strategic partnership agreement was signed between the Anatolian Association of Inventions and Inventors "ABDER", Ankara and the International Innovation Club "Archimedes", Moscow

Mr. Korai Shahin, President of the Anatolian Association of Inventions and Inventors "ABDER", and Dmitry Zezyulin, Chairman of the International Innovation Club "Archimedes", signed an agreement on strategic partnership.

ABDER, an association of inventors based in Ankara, aims to promote and support inventive activities in Turkey. One of its missions is to provide support as a partner to an invention event, namely the Istanbul International Invention Fair (ISIF), in order to draw attention to Turkish inventors.

In turn, the goal of the International Innovation Club "Archimedes" is to unite all participants in the innovation process and assist them in realizing scientific and technical potential in all spheres of human activity.

The strategic partnership agreement between the Russian and Turkish sides will create a basis for the development of innovation and patent licensing activities at the international level.

We are confident in the development of our cooperation. We are waiting for Turkish inventors at
XXVI Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies "Archimedes". We are ready to participate in the Istanbul International Invention Fair (ISIF). Our partnership will help inventors of both countries to work more fruitfully to promote their inventions in the interests of peace and progress.